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Written below is Arxiv search results for the latest in AI. # How Are LLMs Mitigating Stereotyping Harms? Learning from...
Posted by on 2024-08-04 04:13:29
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Title: Navigating the Fine Line - Assessing Modern AI's Efforts Against Stereotype Perpetuation through the Lens of Search Engines' Past Missteps

Date: 2024-08-04

AI generated blog

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT series have become increasingly prominent due to their remarkable capabilities across various domains. However, accompanying the hype surrounding these advancements comes growing concerns over unintended biases embedded within them, often manifesting as perpetuators of societal stereotypes. A recent groundbreaking research work delves into examining how modern LLM developers tackle the issue of stereotyping harms while drawing parallels between these challenges and lessons learned from earlier misadventures observed in search engine auto-completers.

The study conducted by Alina Leidinger and Richard Rogers aims to analyze contemporary approaches adopted by LLMs in addressing prejudice-laden outcomes, primarily focusing on ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, and other marginalized groups. Their investigation underscores a striking parallelism evident when comparing the current state of LLM "safety" trainings against previously witnessed shortfalls in search engine autocorrect systems. The researchers emphasize the need for more comprehensive evaluative methods incorporating diverse perspectives on social impacts alongside conventional legal liability considerations.

To achieve a deeper understanding, the duo employs a multi-pronged assessment strategy involving four key metrics—refusal rate, toxicity, sentiment analysis, and respect index—with and without integrating explicit 'system prompt' safeguards. Strikingly, despite visible improvements emerging after implementing system prompts, glaring oversights remain regarding toxic expressions related explicitly to ethnical backgrounds, gender identity, and sexually diverse communities. Conspicuous disparities emerge when handling mentions associated with complexly layered identities known as 'intersectionality,' resulting in heightened instances of stereotypically charged output generation.

This eye-opening exploration sheds critical insights into the looming challenge ahead as artificial intelligence permeates further into our daily lives via integration with traditional search platforms. In doing so, the research team issues a clarion call towards responsible stakeholders spanning developer teams, academic institutions, natural language processing professionals, policymaking bodies, urging collective introspection upon their roles in shaping the future discourse around curtailing implicit bias propagated by advanced learning paradigms. They highlight the paramount importance of concerted action encompassing careful selection criteria during dataset creation process, designing fair benchmark standards, instituting robust social impact monitoring mechanisms, ultimately aiming at fostering a world where technology serves humanity equitably rather than reinforcing pre-existing socio-cultural divides.

As the boundaries continue blurring amidst the rapid fusion of cutting-edge AI technologies with ubiquitous internet services, the poignant message conveyed by Leidinger & Roger's pathbreaking endeavor becomes indispensable in guiding us toward navigating the fine line separating progressive innovation from potentially exacerbating existing cultural rifts. By heeding their cautionary yet constructively proactive outlook, let's ensure tomorrow's intelligent machines not just learn better but teach humankind a thing or two in return.

References: Arora, I., Choi, J.-Y., Dathathri, R., Ghahramani, Z., Houlsby, K., Kumar, Vibhav, ... & Welling, M.. (2021). Big science for building better large neural nets. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05910.

Bakker, P., & Potts, C. (Ed.). (2013). Regulating Digital Platforms. Oxford University Press.

Leidinger, A., & Rogers, R. (2023). How Are LLMs Mitigating Stereotyping Harms? Learning From Search Engine Studies. Retrieved August 04th, 2023, from

Rogers, R. (2023). Shocked by shocking: Google, algorithmic regulation, and the performativity of platform governance. New Media & Society, 25(2), e144–e163. doi:

Solaiman, F., Abid, Q., Guillory, E., Agrawala, T., Liang, Y., Uren, J., … Lee, K.. (2023). Evaluating Large Natural Language Processing Systems Through Robust Metrics And Human Understanding. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.08402.

Weidinger, A., Reischle, E., Steinberger, J., Roth, D., Rohrbach, M., Spiecker, K., ... & Hofmann, T.. (2022). On the Ethics Of Explainable Artificial Intelligence For Legal Applications: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.07100.

Wolf, R., Miller, B., & Grodzinsky, C. (2017). Supervised deep cloning for textual entailment in a recurrent neural network. Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Lisbon, Portugal, EMNLP 2017 – Volume 2, pages 371–379. Association for Computational Linguistics. Research paper has been truncated above due to excessive length.

Source arXiv:

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