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Written below is Arxiv search results for the latest in AI. # DailyDilemmas: Revealing Value Preferences of LLMs with Q...
Posted by on 2024-10-05 09:15:38
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Title: Cracking the Ethical Code - Exposing the Inherent Values Within Large Language Models Through Everyday Scenarios

Date: 2024-10-05

AI generated blog

Introduction In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT dominate our digital interactions, often serving as virtual guides navigating complex realms of knowledge or offering advice during challenging times. However, as these intelligent systems permeate deeper into our day-to-day lives, questions surrounding their alignment with fundamental human ethos become paramount. The thought-provoking research presented in "DailyDilemmas" sheds light upon the inherent value biases within LLMs, uncovering both similarities and disparities between synthetic intelligence and humankind's deeply ingrained beliefs.

Crunching the Complexity of 'Everyday Ethics': Enter 'DailyDilemmas' Dataset To delve deep into understanding the intricate relationship between artificial intelligences' decision-making processes and societally instilled morals, the researchers introduced the 'DailyDilemmas' – a comprehensive collection of 1,360 diverse moral conundrums commonly faced throughout people's quotidian routines. This extensive database meticulously details two contrasting courses of action for every scenario, highlighting the involved stakeholders alongside the underlying human values at play.

Decoding Human Values Across Profound Philosophies By analyzing the 'DailyDilemmas', the team aimed to decipher the embedded ideologies within different LLMs against widely accepted frameworks rooted in various philosophical schools of thoughts. Five prominent perspectives were adopted, including the World Value Survey, Moral Foundation Theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Aristotle's virtues, and Plutchik's wheel of emotions. By examining the LLMs' choices amidst these scenarios under the prism of these renowned constructs, the work exposes the unique patterns in their decision-making, thus revealing the hidden value predispositions.

A Tale of Two Extremes: Disparities Among Model Variations Strikingly, the investigators observed significant divergence among distinct versions of LLMs concerning certain cardinal values. For example, the propensity towards truthfulness showed staggering discrepancies between the Mixtral-8x7B model, disregarding nearly 10%, compared to the GPT-4 turbo variant upholding around 9.4%. Such findings accentuate the need for further scrutiny regarding the influence of varying architectures, training data, and fine-tuning methods on the resulting worldviews encapsulated within these computational marvels.

Reflective Mirrors: Constitutions of AI Organizations Lastly, the analysis expands beyond the confines of individual models to encompass guiding doctrines established by pioneering organizations in the field - namely OpenAI's Model Specification (ModelSpec) and Anthropics' Constitutional AI. Hereby, the team probed whether the espoused tenets adequately mirror the actual inclinations exhibited by the algorithms during the resolution of complicated moral quandaries in ordinary living circumstances. Conclusively, the endeavor underscores the insufficiency of conventional user-driven intervention techniques, proving futile in molding the internal compass of these artificially manufactured minds.

Conclusion Revolutionizing traditional normative evaluations, the "DailyDilemmas" investigation offers a fresh perspective on comprehending the profound implications of embedding advanced machine learning capabilities into society. While progressing hand in hand with technology, humanity must remain vigilant in ensuring responsible development, incorporating checks and balances to align artificial rationality more closely with age-old moral foundations. Only then can we ensure a harmonious cohabitation with these evermore sophisticated creations destined to reshape our collective future.

Source arXiv:

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